Take Advantage of the Potential Savings or Refunds Offered Through the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) Workers’ Compensation Programs
Eligible employers participating in the NFIB programs may receive premium savings or refunds up to the maximum allowed by the Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation (BWC). In addition, the NFIB programs are administered by a team of highly knowledgeable and experienced professionals at Sedgwick who provide services exclusively to employers participating in one of the NFIB-sponsored programs. All the services listed below are included in our workers’ compensation programs:
Simply Complete This Temporary Authorization to Review Information (AC-3 Form) to Receive a No-Cost, No-Obligation Evaluation, to See What You May Save.
After you fill in the information requested, click the “Submit AC-3 Form” button. Your temporary authorization AC-3 Form allows Sedgwick to obtain the necessary claims and risk information from the BWC to determine your company’s eligibility for the NFIB workers' compensation programs. If your company qualifies for one of the NFIB Workers' Compensation Group Rating Programs, you will receive an enrollment packet which will contain your projected savings or projected refunds and fees. If for any reason your company does not qualify for a group rating program, you will be notified and advised about alternative options.
More Information
If you have any questions or would like additional information about our best-in-class services, please contact Cameron Garczyk with NFIB at Cameron. Garczyk@nfib.org or at 614.221.4107 or Zack Stewart with Sedgwick at 866.780.6342, ext. 51565 or email at nfib@sedgwick.com.
Don’t miss this opportunity to be evaluated for our programs!