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Cost containment matters - here's why

As most employers know, the financial and emotional impact of a work-related employee injury can be significant. While the primary goal is to ensure the injured worker receives appropriate care, minimizing the costs associated with the accident should also be a focus for employers.

In Ohio, there are three primary cost containment options for employers – Settlement, Handicap Reimbursement and Subrogation/No Fault Motor Vehicle Accident (MVA). Sedgwick is the industry leader in successfully employing these options.

We utilize leading measures and predictive cost containment to help Ohio employers contain costs and reduce premiums. When a claim occurs, Sedgwick is ready to apply cost containment strategies to quickly resolve the claim, resulting in cost savings for the employer...

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Also in this issue

Workers' compensation

Cost containment matters >
Group retro update >
Salary continuation >
BWC important dates >
2023 public employer rates >


recordkeeping training >

Assessing PPE in
your workplace >

Unemployment compensation

Sedgwick updates
unemployment technology >

Take advantage of tax rate
saving strategies >

Managed care

Chiropractic care in workers' compensation >


Levin Furniture >


Client education program: Workers’ compensation >

For more news and information, connect with us!

P  800.825.6755  |  F  866.567.9380


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